Course Overview

Microsoft office training by Gro Tech Learn Foundation center, brings to you a proven and systematic approach of class room teaching with the help of theory and practical sessions.

GTLF offers Microsoft office course through traditional class room teaching our faculties are highly experienced and professionally qualified, students learn common business tasks, including word processor, email, excel, power point presentations data management and much more, student become proficient so that they can join any good company after completion of this course.

Now a days it is almost a necessity to have ms office training for everyone, whether it is student working executive housewife or retired person.

Significance of Ms Office Training:-

Whenever any organization hires they expect knowledge of Microsoft office, hence investment in Microsoft training is beneficial for both employee and employer, if employees have ms office knowledge it is easier to find job , employees who are aware of MS office training experience less difficulties in understanding working environment.

Importance of Microsoft office Course

MS office course mainly focus on three components:-

1. Microsoft Word

Those who know use of MS office word, documents, take printouts, they can save all the data and use it whenever it is necessary, hence MS office training becomes very important for any one seeking job.

2. Microsoft Excel

In Microsoft Excel there are options that can be very helpful to employees such as calculations, formulas and functions , if they are aware of all these features, employees can become asset for the company.

3. MS Powerpoint

Microsoft Power Point is application help us to make presentations. Employees can make powerful presentations In PowerPoint they can also add sound to make it more presentable with the help of graph, charts and animation.

Course Format

  • Video Tutorials
  • Checking the Task
  • Pulvinar sapien
  • Software

Duration Course

  • 3 Weeks
  • 5 Video Tutorials
  • 3 Hours of Consultations
  • 1.5 Hours Webinar