Course Overview

Every one of us knows that every company or business entity needs an accountant to manage their financial accounting and taxation and for that, they seek some eligible and trained experts. The education which makes one trained that much can be achieved by diploma only. And the course is well known as Diploma in Financial Accounting and Taxation (DAFT). There are various diploma courses in finance but this one can help you in conquering the peak of the industry.

We are providing affordable and reliable diploma in financial accounting in Najafgarh. Gro Tech Learn Foundation is well known as various accounting courses like Tally and much more. We help an individual to learn and also to get settled with the desired job. Financial accounting diploma can be a good career option if you belong to accounts field.

Currently, we are serving majorly in Najafgarh but people come from all across the nation to gain knowledge and to gain govt. approved certifications. We are one of the top rated and top ranked Institute for diploma courses in Najafgarh. In GTLF we teach how Indian tax laws work in various fields and what are the crossovers of them all. We also teach how to come out of any tax issue and how to move parallel with the Indian Taxation guidelines.

If you are strong enough to save a single penny of a company using your taxation and accounting knowledge then you are not miles away from getting settled in this field. If any company will found you beneficial for them they won't think to hire you can their taxation consultation or financial advisor. This can be a good opportunity to co-work with multiple brands at a single time.

Course Format

  • Video Tutorials
  • Checking the Task
  • Pulvinar sapien
  • Software

Duration Course

  • 3 Weeks
  • 5 Video Tutorials
  • 3 Hours of Consultations
  • 1.5 Hours Webinar